Saturday, September 19, 2009

What the virus inside my mind!!!

Hey guys, I'm back!!!! i gotta tell you!!! Last week was a terrible week!!!

I have finished the midterm exam passed up my ICC assignment today!!!....
Okay, let me guess and catch up your mind, I think more of you will ask me a same question:

"hey bro, how about your exam ah?"

Then I would answer you this official answer:

"okla, boleh tahan, but not satisfy it lah!!"

I spent whole week's nights and burn the midnight oil.... Wao!! i gotta the feeling, that night gonna be a good good night...Woo~~ For what? to understand what the note is showing me about.

Sometimes i think i was ready for the papers, but obviously the paper and questions will fool you when you read the question!! So, 50% and 50% for my results!! Whatever lah, it's still okay for me!!

Besides that, i was outing with my friends again...full house, Gsc cinema, Pavilion and etc....but I'm not in mood to share out the experience to you all..Sorry!!

It's already 0236am, but I'm confusing again...What's my mind thinking about? I also cant find out the answer, perhaps i will find out it in one day....Okay, it's time to bed...Goodnight!!

"Sometimes it used to be, but sometimes it's nothing at all. "
By Winteng

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